
The European Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology Junior Members Bursary is now open for submissions and we hope with your support to offer more in the future!

British Pediatric Otolaryngology Course Bursary


11th-12th March 2020 (UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health , London, UK)

The European Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology Junior Members Bursary is now open for submissions and we hope with your support to offer more in the future!

Otolaryngology trainees across Europe with an interest in paediatric otolaryngology are encouraged to apply. The bursary is open to those who have not yet become an otolaryngology specialist and do not hold FRCS/FEBE-ORLHNS or equivalent exam.

Membership of ESPO is an essential requirement (https://www.espo.eu.com/)

This well-established course comprises of two days of interactive lectures and panel discussions from a UK-wide expert faculty. It provides a comprehensive picture of current paediatric ENT knowledge and practice.

The bursary covers the course fee and an additional travel grant of up to 500 Euros, not to mention a very useful line on any CV!

Please access the application form here and complete electronically.

Send together with an abridged (maximum 4 page) CV to espo.juniors@googlemail.com

Submissions: close on 17th January 2020! Good luck!!!