
A report for the FESS course with prof. Reiner Weber, Frankfurt am Main, March 7th 2019

I am writing this report to briefly express my satisfaction and fulfilment from the FESS course, lead by Prof. Reiner Weber this March. I had been awarded with this course previously in February by prof. Dilyana Vicheva, president of the Bulgarian Rhinologic society.
Not only did prof. Weber accepted us warmly in the hospital, but he also had the patience and desire to fully explain us all the diagnostic and surgical details about the nasal ailments, treated endoscopically. We were introduced to four different clinical cases, discussed them narrowly and followed their surgical solutions in real-time as every operation was explained completely step-by-step.
In conclusion, as a ENT-resident doctor in the beginning of his carreer, this course was remarkably valuable for me as I had the opportunity to see and understand in details the techniques that the endoscopic surgery possesses in treating the nasal pathology.

Kaloyan Chilingirov, MD, Otorhinolaryngology resident doctor, UMHAT “Pirogov”, Sofia