
BGSPO Membership Registration

To become a member of the Bulgarian Society of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, please, complete the registration form below. After consideration by the Management Board of the Society, you will be informed whether you are accepted to become a BSPO member.

Membership approval is based on the membership criteria set forth below.

Important! Please, wait for a response if your application is approved before to pay the membership fee in Bulgarian Society for Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. Without confirmation received on approval, regardless of the fee paid, membership shall be invalid!
The membership fee for BSPO for 1 year is 29 leva (15 Euro).
The membership fee is valid until January 31 of the following calendar year. Already registered, members must pay the fee for the upcoming year by January 31 of each calendar year. If this deadline is dropped, Membership will automatically be suspended.